Sainte-Croix - number one of the French parks - LUXE.TV

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It is in the area of ​​the ponds in the East of France that the park is located which has just been classified by internet users as number 1 of the animal parks of France.This is the Sainte-Croix Park where 1500 animals live in semi-liberty.It obtained first place after an Internet vote in which the 20 million people who visit a wildlife park in France each year could participate.In Sainte-Croix Park, there are 105 wild species, 30 domestic breeds, 30 mammal species, and 50 species of birds ... spread over 50 hectares.There are 300 births a year in Sainte-Croix.Each animal eats its usual food. So 97 tons of cereal, 94 tons of hay, 25 tons of meat, 10 tons of fruits and vegetables and 10 tons of fish are distributed to the animals. Reindeers are especially pampered. The keepers offer them a much appreciated lichen substitute from the great North.Four packs of wolves each have a pen of one hectare. Sainte-Croix has managed to explain that this carnivore is neither an angel nor a devil, but a vital part of the functioning of ecosystems.
We learn that a European wolf lives 8 to 12 years and that from the second year the female can have Cubs.You can spend the night in a secure 100-square-meter house in the middle of the wolf park.By visiting Sainte-Croix, man better understands the role of everything in the global balance of the animal world.Every year, 350,000 people spend one to two days in Sainte-Croix on a world tour of animal species.Here we are with the lemurs. They find the climate of Madagascar in a heated aviary. These lemurs are all born in captivity, in the shadow of the baobabs.To conclude, the message comes from the gibbons. These Asian tightrope walkers have made it a habit of sending an acrobatic "Au revoir" to visitors.

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