The Pain-Free Movement Programme | Eliminate Pain Once And For All

Описание к видео The Pain-Free Movement Programme | Eliminate Pain Once And For All

The Pain-Free Movement Programme is my flagship programme, craftly uniquely for you to get you back doing the things you love.

I show you why you are in pain, how to fix it at the root cause and have the tookit to remain pain-free for life.

I'm excited to work with you personally! Find out more at

Like and Subscribe for posture tips and simple exercise sequences designed to re-balance your body get you pain-free!

If you would like to learn more about posture therapy & how it can help you get pain-free , check out my website:

Here’s the best place to start:
-Want to learn more about the principles of how posture therapy works?
Get The Free Masterclass: The Truth About Why You’re In Pain And How To Fix It Once And For All:

-Want To A Beginners Guide To Moving And Feeling Better? Sign up for the FREE Daily Posture Tune-Up Series. One exercise in your inbox for 7 days!

-Want My Help To Get Out Of Pain? Check Out The Pain-Free Movement Programme for your personalised road-map to get out of pain once and for all.

🌍 Website:
▶️ YouTube: @ThePain-FreeBody
👤 Facebook: thepainfreebody
📸 Instagram: @thepainfreebody

Dr Mona Singh is a Posture Alignment Coach certified by The Egoscue Institute. She is passionate about helping sports-loving women get out of pain and back in the game.

Her mission is to show you why you’re in pain and a simple method to fix pain at the root cause, that you can do yourself at home.

She used posture therapy to get rid of 13 years of back, hip and sciatic pain, when nothing else worked.

She has helped people with all kinds of chronic pain, including back, hip, foot, shoulder, SIJ, groin, knee, neck, arm and sciatic pain. Most commonly she helps people in pain who can’t figure out how to fix it.

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