Michael Jordan 1988: 47pts Vs. Utah Jazz, "Mel Turpin" Game

Описание к видео Michael Jordan 1988: 47pts Vs. Utah Jazz, "Mel Turpin" Game

A beastly game by MJ. This is the game where MJ dunks on Stockton and Utah's owner heckles MJ to pick on someone his own size so on the very next play, he powers one over 7-foot Mel Turpin saying, "Was he big enough?" while sauntering back down the court.

But aside from that, this game was awesome to watch because of MJ's relentless attack on both ends of the floor. There has never been any player ever who has been able to give 100% on offense and 100% on defense at all times as this version of MJ. As his coach said, "MJ took every play - offense or defense - as a personal battle so he wanted to beat you on each and every play." And it showed perfectly here. En route to setting his NBA record for most blocks ever by a guard in this season (131), MJ was a blur, seemingly everywhere at all times.

And on the offensive end, MJ was just his usual self. Utah's giants packed the lane so MJ had to pick his spots but his incredible athleticism could not be denied. With hanging jumpers and hanging passes everywhere, MJ took the Bulls from the brink of defeat once again to steal victory in the last minute. Just a routine day at the office with the routine spectacular shots from the bottomless grab-bag of tricks from MJ circa 1988.


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