Film & TV Composer & Producer Matt Mahaffey - Warren Huart: Produce Like A Pro

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I moved to Los Angeles in October 1995, that same month the band Self released their first album 'Subliminal Plastic Motives'. In early '96 I heard the single 'So Low' and was blown away, Los Angeles was full of hyped bands, but this was the real deal. I could hear through the typical Indie Rock mid 90's stylings and see some amazing substance! The album was full of great songs and sonic candy that reminded me of everything I loved about music!

My friend Desi told me they were playing the Dragonfly so off we went and saw an incredible show! There was moment I will NEVER forget, Matt grabbed a keyboard and using only the stock sounds on it proceeded to play the Primitive Radio Gods hit 'Standing Outside a Broken Phone Booth with Money in my Hand'! The BB King sample came as stock in the keyboard!

I bumped into Matt at Vance Powell's Sputnik Studio Party at NAMM and told him I was a huge fan and I'd been at that gig and remembered that event with the keyboard! He said to his girlfriend 'see it really happened!' Haha. I think the story had become folklore!

Matt Mahaffey is incredibly talented, and has done so much in the music industry, from playing in a signed band, to recording and producing, writing for commercials, TV and film! Here's a list of 7 tips to help you go against the grain and make it in this business, read the list here!

Produce Like A Pro is a website which features great tips to help the beginning recordist make incredible sounding home recordings on a budget.


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