Harold Lopez-Nussa feat:

Описание к видео Harold Lopez-Nussa feat:

1 minuto con @emmet! Más bien 2m20s😜
Que manera de disfrutar grabando este pedacito de música con este brillante pianista de jazz. Emmet además de ser un músico increíble tuvo la genial idea de juntarse con su trío e invitados para deleitarnos a todos durante el encierro del covid con sesiones fenomenales de descargas en su casa en NYC. Para mi en lo personal fue un aire fresco que me llegaba durante un periodo tan jodido, me volvió a conectar con la magia de la música en vivo(algo que para mi es imprescindible en la vida)encerrado en mi casa en la habana.
Gracias mi hermano! 🙏😍
1 minute with @emmet! More like 2m20s😜
I had a blast recording this little piece of music with this brilliant jazz pianist. Emmet, besides being an incredible musician, had the great idea of getting together with his trio and guests to delight us all during the covid lockdown with phenomenal jam sessions at his house in NYC. For me personally it was a breath of fresh air that came to me during such a screwed up period, it reconnected me with the magic of live music (something that for me is essential in life) locked up in my house in Havana.
Thank you my brother! 🙏😍

#1mimutocon #1mincon #99jazzcubano #1minutewith #duo #jazzpianist #solar #standard #emmetcohen #newyork #toulouse


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