OMLC Webinar: Ten years of Outcome Mapping adaptations and support

Описание к видео OMLC Webinar: Ten years of Outcome Mapping adaptations and support

In October 2011, the Stewards of the Outcome Mapping Learning Community (OMLC) commissioned a study to assess OM practice and support needs 10 years after its introduction. In this webinar, the authors of the ’10 years of Outcome Mapping’ report will present its key findings and OMLC Steward Kaia Ambrose will moderate a discussion on issues raised for OM users / OMLC members, other M&E practitioners and funders. Findings drew on 123 case studies and 24 in-depth interviews with OM users and consultants / those providing support for OM use.

Findings, conclusions and suggestions include analysis of how and where OM has been applied and with what other M&E approaches; user perspectives including perceived benefits, issues and challenges of using OM as well as solutions and adaptations; an assessment of training and other support required versus that which is available through the OMLC and elsewhere; and donor perspectives and engagement. Enabling factors and a ‘receptivity continuum’ are proposed as tools to help determine the type of OM use that is likely to be suitable for a given situation.

The OMLC Stewards found the study to be “rich and useful for a number of different users”. Watch this webinar and see if you agree.

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