What does the Bible ACTUALLY say about Women in Ministry? (with Dr. Carmen Joy Imes)

Описание к видео What does the Bible ACTUALLY say about Women in Ministry? (with Dr. Carmen Joy Imes)

Dr. Carmen Joy Imes returns to the Dojo!!

00:00:00 - Welcome to the Dojo!
00:02:59 - Carmen’s new book, Exodus commentary, HUNDREDS of students, and crowdsourcing on YouTube!
00:05:52 - Carmen’s tips SBL’s upcoming Annual Meeting!
00:09:45 - A basic summary of the controversy
00:12:49 - Why this is NOT a sociopolitical or ‘rights’ issue
00:15:04 - The problem with the terms “Complementarian” and “Egalitarian” to begin with
00:17:45 - Where SHOULD we start when discussing the issue
00:18:39 - Genesis 1, the “Image of God”, and “ruling over” Creation
00:21:18 - When does hierarchy appear in the text? What is a ‘helper’?
00:24:41 - Is Genesis 3:16 punishment or prescription & The ESV controversy
00:27:6 - Adam “naming” Eve as a sign of hierarchy?
00:28:01 - Does Scripture endorse the Patriarchal culture of the Bible?
00:35:49 - A closer look at Miriam and Hulda
00:38:27 - Attention: Accordance tech support!
00:39:57 - Women in Paul’s letters
00:42:58 - Was Junia an Apostle or just known by the Apostles?
00:46:28 - Women DID lead & teach in the Bible - Deborah
00:48:50 - Jesus’ treatment of women
00:50:25 - But Jesus’ Disciples were all men!
00:51:46 - Thoughtful Complementarians and “The Big Two” passages
00:53:46 - 1Timothy 2: “I do not permit a woman to teach…”
00:58:36 - Discomfort is NOT a reason to not take a passge "at face value”
01:00:18 - What JM wants viewers to hear very clearly!
01:01:20 - How to translate ‘authentein’ and ‘hesuchia’ in 1Tim 2:12
01:05:14 - The Artemis Cult and protection through childbirth
01:10:42 - Eve was deceived, not Adam?
01:14:51 - Carmen’s background as a Complemenarian
01:17:44 - 1Corinthians 14: “Women should remain silent…as the law says”
01:18:31 - NIV 1984 vs. NIV 2011
01:19:20 - How does Carmen approach this passage?
01:22:42 - Is 1Cor.14:34-35 a later scribal addition?
01:24:36 - Should ‘nomos’ be translated as “law” or “custom”/“principle” in 1Cor.14:34?
01:26:19 - NO Complementarian takes the text “at face value”
01:28:58 - Thoughtful Complementarian objections regarding Elder qualifications
01:32:13 - “a husband of one wife”?
01:38:55 - Why we genuinely appreciate thoughtful Complementarians
01:40:57 - Does the rejection of Complementarianism equate to theological Liberalism and a rejection of Inspiration/Inerrancy?
01:44:06 - What about gender roles in marriage?
01:54:13 - What books should people read if they want to know more?
02:00:32 - How can we all exhibit Christian unity despite their genuine (and important!) disagreements?
02:08:28 - What DiscipleDojo hopes to accomplish with this discussion!

Follow Carmen on Twitter: @carmenjoyimes
Carmen's blog: http://www.carmenjoyimes.blogspot.com
Carmen's Amazon author page: https://www.amazon.com/Carmen-Joy-Ime...
Pre-order Being God's Image: Why Creation Still Matters at https://www.amazon.com/Being-Gods-Ima...

Other Resources on Women in ministry from both perspectives:

Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary debate: Can Women Lead Men? -    • Can Women Lead Men: Conversation  

Complementarian books:
Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood - https://tinyurl.com/mr4cc539
Women and Men in Ministry: A Complementary Perspective - https://tinyurl.com/m78fc77e

Books with both views presented:
40 Questions about Women in Ministry - https://tinyurl.com/5b6busx6
Two Views on Women in Ministry - https://tinyurl.com/ywzju9rx

Egalitarian books:
Discovering Biblical Equality
3rd edition - https://tinyurl.com/2kbwmrap
2nd edition - https://tinyurl.com/7kf3t75f
Paul and Gender - https://tinyurl.com/mrxfbsza
Women in the Ministry of Jesus - - https://tinyurl.com/yck77zef
Paul, Women & Wives - https://tinyurl.com/4729axj4
Is God a Misogynist? - https://tinyurl.com/yfhmes3r
Women and the Gender of God - https://tinyurl.com/ms9f623f
Bourgeois Babes, Bossy Wives, and Bobby Haircuts: A Case for Gender Equality in Ministry - https://tinyurl.com/3865ysu9

Carmen’s blog post on Westfall - https://carmenjoyimes.blogspot.com/20...

For a fuller discussion on Patriarchy in the world of Scripture, see our Dojo Discussion with Carolyn Custis James at:    • Patriarchy: Does the Bible command or...  

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