What is TF2's Most Nerfed Weapon?

Описание к видео What is TF2's Most Nerfed Weapon?

Nobody's perfect... and Valve is certainly not nobody. There have been quite a few overpowered weapons in the history of the game, which is expected for a game this diverse. But the nerfs that accompany it also have a huge range of acceptability, and that's what I'm interested in today. There are about 30 weapons that could go here, but I've picked out a good few that I believe are the most nerfed in the history of TF2. For anyone wondering how I got background video of weapons in a state before their nerf, all of the gameplay was recorded on servers running a revert mod. It was super interesting to actually play around with some of the pre-nerf versions of weapons, and I have to say, I wish a lot of them would come back. Let me know what you think!

Pre-nerf servers in the video are Nailgun World and Crow's Nest. Go check them out!

Also thanks to TheWhat Show for helping with the Bison bits!    / thewhatshow  
TheWhat Show's Bison video:    • The Tragedy of the Bison [TF2]  
Lister's damage spread video:    • Random Damage Spread - TF2's Forgotte...  

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Outro music by liledix4:    • 🎵 Graze the Roof ︱ PvZ 2 — Modern Day...  


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