The Gear Effect - How Off-Center Drives Spin the Golf Ball

Описание к видео The Gear Effect - How Off-Center Drives Spin the Golf Ball

Learn what the gear effect is in golf and how the strike location on the clubface will impact the spin of your golf shots.

In this video we review what is known as the gear effect in golf. Specifically we review how hitting golf shots from outside of the sweat spot will impact spin on the ball.

Whenever a ball is struck on the toe of your driver, the club will twist slightly since it is not hit in its center of mass. This microsecond twisting in the clockwise direction will send the ball on the inverse rotation, resulting in a draw (or hook) spin.

Likewise when the ball is struck on the heel of your driver. In that case, the counter-clockwise twisting will send the ball on the inverse rotation, resulting in a fade (or slice) spin.

Imagine two gears interconnected. When one cogwheel rotates one way, the other has to turn the other way.

Don’t underestimate the importance of hitting golf shots from the sweat spot of your driver. Your swing might be perfect but if your club twists at the moment of impact the ball will spin as a result.

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