Formal disciplinary meetings - opening the meeting

Описание к видео Formal disciplinary meetings - opening the meeting

.  Opening the meeting

Key learning points:

Present at the meeting will be:

• the manager
• a note taker
• the investigating manager
• the employee
• the employee's representative (if they choose to be accompanied)

• It is important that everyone knows their role at the meeting. 
• The manager needs to be clear that his/her role is to decide whether disciplinary action should be taken and, if so, what sanction is appropriate.
• Balance of probability - are allegations substantiated?
• The manager should check that the employee has received all the relevant paperwork and understands the allegations being made.  If the employee has additional paperwork or they haven't seen all the paperwork that the manager wishes to rely on, the meeting should be adjourned for a short while to allow everyone to get up to speed.
• It is a good idea to clarify at the outset the confidential nature of the meeting to all present.
• The manager should also check that the employee is aware that they are allowed to be accompanied.


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