How employees can plan tax with salary sacrifice and private pension?

Описание к видео How employees can plan tax with salary sacrifice and private pension?

In this video I cover salary sacrifice and private pension contribution. This video will help you if you are looking to contribute into your pension pots and struggling to find ways. Furthermore, this video will also help accountants to plan tax for their clients.

Pension Basic video Part 1:
   • Pension Basics - Part 1 | Tax Planning  

Pension Basic video Part 2:
   • Pension Basics - Part 2 | Tax Planning  

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#taxplanning #pension #salarysacrifice #employees

0:00 Pension Series
0:51 Overview
1:49 Q: Why should I contribute into pension pot?
2:46 Salary Sacrifice
5:49 Private Pension contribution
8:08 Recap

Infraction music: instagram:   / infractionimhere   spotify:


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