African Lovebirds (Agapornis)💕🦜 Growth Stages: First 47 Days of Baby Life 🥚🐣🐥🐤🦜 ルリゴシボタンインコは 🦜 成長記録

Описание к видео African Lovebirds (Agapornis)💕🦜 Growth Stages: First 47 Days of Baby Life 🥚🐣🐥🐤🦜 ルリゴシボタンインコは 🦜 成長記録

African Lovebirds (Agapornis)💕🦜 Growth Stages: First 47 Days🐥

Out of four eggs laid, the two that were successfully fertilized have survived the infant life in a nest box, developed throughout the fledgling stage and are now healthy young adults. The older chick has blue feathers while the younger chicken has more of a gray color tone.

Here we take a visual journey through the first 47 days of baby lovebird life in just over 9 minutes.

The bird mom is yellow and black (Parblue Opaline Euwing) and the bird dad is gray and blue. This is the very first time this bird mom has laid eggs. Congratulations!

0:05 Mom and dad bird
0:15 Day 1 - the first chick hatched today 🥚🥚🥚🐣
2:15 Day 12 - the chicks have opened their eyes for the very first time! 🐤🐥
7:55 Day 43 - looking like young adults 🦜🦜
9:35 Day 47 - first successful day flying! 🦜🦜


KS Media African Lovebirds (Agapornis)💕🦜 videos aim to present viewers with authentic clips of vividly colored lovebirds in HD and 4K resolution when possible. The small snapshots of the daily life of lovebirds shown here is part of a nonroutine activity with the intent to provide these sentient birds with some stimulation. The standard routine, which is not shown on camera, includes changing both the drinking water 🥤 and bathing water 🚿 at least twice a day, providing fresh food 🥗🥙🌿🌱* every morning with supplements in the afternoon, inspecting nest boxes and basically playing with the birds and letting them treat me as a walking tree. 🤣🤣🤣 We understand that fast pace city life can potentially be hectic and stressful at times. Therefore, we hope you will be able to get your daily micro dose 💊 of oxytocin by watching these birds chirp, eat, forage, preen, sing and display affection at the comfort of your personal screen on demand.

*fresh food 🥗🥙🌿🌱 = premium seed mix, powdered high protein feed, at least 5 types of vegetables, calcium supplements in the form of blocks and cuttlefish bone, seasonal fruits and the occasional vitamin water

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