Celestial/Hybrid Alacrity Druid for Raids - 29.066 DPS Benchmark

Описание к видео Celestial/Hybrid Alacrity Druid for Raids - 29.066 DPS Benchmark

Read the description for more info.

Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POABg+dj...
Log: https://dps.report/0moo-20231212-0535...

It's not a good benchmark and I'm aware of all the mistakes - someone might call it "preliminary". But I couldn't find a video or guide of this build so I decided to invest some hours into it myself and ended up with these results.

You can run Warhorn instead of Torch for Swiftness and faster might rampup, it's around 1k DPS lower on the golem.

Flame Trap resulted in the highest golem number because of combo finishers but Glyph of Alignment (outside of CA) and Spike Trap are very even.

You can also replace your healing skill with any other. WHAO is not needed since your pet already receives boons from Fortifying Bond. You might not even have to use your healing skill at all since your pet's F2 covers most of Regeneration. In actual encounters, you might want to disable autocast on pet's F2 since the skill comes off cooldown faster than the trait's ICD due to having Alacrity on the pet.

Iboga was only slightly worse on the golem so it's a valid option. Haven't tested any other pet yet.

If you need Protection and extra healing from Invigorating Bond, you can take that for another ~900 DPS loss over Nature's Vengeance.


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