Fua Bideshi | Chowdhury Kamal & Tosiba | ফুয়া বিদেশী | Rohan Raj | Sylheti Song 2023 | Lyrics:ckamal

Описание к видео Fua Bideshi | Chowdhury Kamal & Tosiba | ফুয়া বিদেশী | Rohan Raj | Sylheti Song 2023 | Lyrics:ckamal

Fua Bideshi | Bangla New Sylheti Song | Chowdhury Kamal &Tosiba | New 2023 | Music Rohan Raj | Video Md Shayel | Edit Md Mahbood Alom | Reserved All ©️copyrights by Chowdhury Kamal Owner of the Youtube Channel “ck and music

Song : Fua Bideshi (ফুয়া বিদেশী)
Music : Rohan Raj
Lyrics : Chowdhury Kamal
Singers : Tosiba & Chowdhury Kamal
Level : ck and music

#chowdhurykamal #tosiba #rohan_raj #fua_bideshi #bangali #banglafolk #sylhet #ukbanglasong

Special thanks to All our bangladeshi brothers and sisters as well as the bangla music lovers all over the world . Thanks for all your love and support.
I like to specially thanks everyone who was involved in this amazing project.

I hope this song makes you smile everytime you listen to it . Inshallah there will be many more beautiful songs like this coming for you all soon.

Stay well and stay safe
Chowdhury kamal
[email protected]


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