Pema Wangdi Lama & Metok Lahdon – Cho ~ The Ocean of Cho Practice (album) A CHOD RITUAL MEDITATION

Описание к видео Pema Wangdi Lama & Metok Lahdon – Cho ~ The Ocean of Cho Practice (album) A CHOD RITUAL MEDITATION

Pema Wangdi Lama & Metok Lahdon – Cho ~ The Ocean of Cho Practice


This album brings to you the ritual of the Chod drum in combination with sacred Tibetan prayers, for relaxing body and mind.

The practice of Chö or Chod cultivates fearlessness, certainty and unrelenting compassion, connecting us to our deepest core. The unique combination of sacred song, ritual instruments, meditation and visualization, creates a rich tapestry that reweaves our everyday experience and redefines our limited sense of self. It is also the practice of ultimate and relentless generosity, pacifying the sickness, suffering and spiritual blindness of sentient beings, and healing disturbed environmental energies.
The history of Chod spans over a thousand years, though its real origin is timeless and beyond human conception. With its roots deep in Mahayana Buddhism and Tantric Vajrayana, it has integrated practical elements of Bon and Shamanism, creating a dynamic and powerful personal path of spiritual development and benefit to others.

May all sentient beings benefit


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