Yusei Machinery Ltd. / Project Update #5 / Niš, Serbia / February 2023

Описание к видео Yusei Machinery Ltd. / Project Update #5 / Niš, Serbia / February 2023

(SRB) Novi update sa gradilišta novog pogona kompanije Yusei u industrijskoj zoni u Nišu. Na 95% kompletiranosti radova, u toku su pripreme za asfaltiranje prilaznih puteva kao i opremanje skladišno-proizvodnog i administrativnog dela objekta.

Sam objekat predstavlja prvu investiciju kompanije Yusei Machinery u Srbiji. Nalazi se u industrijskoj zoni Niša i zauzima površinu od preko 10.000 metara kvadratnih. Penta Ge.Co. Construction je angažovan kao generalni izvođač radova po sistemu 'ključ-u-ruke'.

©2023 • Penta Ge.Co. Construction d.o.o. • Sva prava zadržana. Postavljanje, deljenje ili druga vrsta objavljivanja ovog videa su zabranjeni bez prethodnog pisanog odobrenja nosioca autorskih prava. Penta Ge.Co. Construction i/ili povezana lica i/ili podizvođači se odriču svake pravne odgovornosti za sve eventualno prikazane ili uočene nepravilnosti. Penta Ge.Co. Construction zadržava prava izmene, brisanja ili dorade ove i drugih objava bez prethodnog obaveštenja.

(ENG) Another new update from the Yusei construction site in Niš, and as the title suggests - we are once again ahead of schedule! Now, at 95% completion, preparatory works are underway for the pavement of access roads. Our crews are also busy with the final fit-out of the facility's storage and production units.

This facility is Yusei Machinery's first investment in Serbia. It is conveniently located in the Niš Industrial Zone and covers an area of over 10.000 square meters.

©2023 • Penta Ge.Co. Construction d.o.o. • All Rights Reserved • The publishing of this video is prohibited without the prior written approval of its Author. Penta Ge.Co. Construction renounces all legal and other responsibility for any eventually shown imperfections or irregularities. The author upholds the right to change, edit or remove this and all other posts and videos at their own discretion.


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