Appendicular Abscess || Ultrasound || Case 353

Описание к видео Appendicular Abscess || Ultrasound || Case 353

Appendicular Abscess || Ultrasound || Case 353

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Clinical Features:
A 15-year-old male patient came with severe right lower abdominal pain.

Ultrasound Features:
The right iliac fossa shows an irregular thick-walled complex collection with internal low-level echoes & echogenic air droplets.
Vermiform appendix is not separately visualized.
Surrounding thickened fat layer is seen.
Adjacent bowel loops show sluggish movements.
Color Doppler shows prominent perilesional vascularity.
The lesion is adjacent to the psoas muscle with no intrapsoas communication or abnormality at present.
Adjacent multiple enlarged hypoechoic lymph nodes are seen.

Peritoneal collection adjacent to a gangrenous appendix or abscess may suggest perforation.

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