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I want to tell you a story that influenced my husband's life and his decision to leave Russia.
Azovskaya stanitsa was founded in 1864 by descendants of Zaporozhye Cossacks. In the center there is an old hut of Cossack ataman Grigory Kochubey. Here I was born, grew up, and always felt that this place is special. and dreamed that one day it would be a museum.
There was a vacant lot in front of our yard.
I took part in the All-Russian competition "Cultural Mosaic of Small Towns and Villages". It was organized by the Timchenko Charitable Foundation. I was going to create a cultural and educational center with a real Russian oven for cooking traditional dishes, a stage for folklore festivals, and I wanted to build a smithy with an anvil and a pottery workshop. Schoolchildren and young people of the district could be trained there in ancient crafts and traditions.
When the project reached the semi-finals, I went up to the head of the administration again and told him about my progress. He asked if I had 500,000 rubles to buy the land. I answered that I didn't have that kind of money and I wasn't planning on owning it. It will be a cultural park for all the residents of the village. It doesn't matter who the documents say the land will belong to: the state, a Cossack community, or a school. The head of administration said he had a lot of other things to do now, and we'll talk about it later. I continued to participate in the contest and finally my project "Collection of Folk Talents" was among the winners.
I went back to the head of administration, but heard a categorical denial. He said he would not allocate the land.
I asked the advice of the elder of the local Cossack community Bulygin Vadim Ivanovich, and we again went to the local administration. Our head of administration was also ataman of the local Cossack community.
He refused to help us. V.I and I appealed for help to the ataman of the district Cossack Society, and with him to the Rector and Metropolitan. The newspaper published a news story saying that in memory of the victims of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, we want to build a chapel near Ataman's Hut. The Metropolitan liked our idea. He signed a petition to the head of our district administration to allocate land for the construction of the chapel. We also planned to build a smithy and pottery there and wanted to lease this land to the gymnasium.
V.I and I continued to look for an opportunity to implement the project and wrote letters to the president, the governor of Krasnodar Krai, the ataman of the Kuban Cossack Army, and the head of the district. We also applied to the Krasnodar Krai Department of Property Relations.
Soon I was expelled from the local Cossack community.
I and V.I. got tired and already decided to stop fighting for this land. I would put a smithy and a pottery on my plot.
But now we were told that the gymnasium could not sign the contract because it had no right to spend money (even a donation grant) on something that would not be built on its property.
V.I. and I went to the district education department and to the Ministry of Education. But they all said "no". I again appealed to the governor. In response, I received a notice to transfer my appeal to the Ministry of Culture of Krasnodar Krai.
We sent a letter to the Education Department of the region. The reply was that, under the changed circumstances, there was no possibility to implement the project. And the contract with the charitable foundation will not be signed.
We got an answer from the district administration where we were told that the plot of land is free and cultural heritage objects can be located on it.
Once again, I appealed to the head of the district.
Then we received an answer from the Kuban Cossack Troops, who advised us to contact the district administration on our own.
I, the director of the gymnasium and the charitable foundation discussed and approved a new estimate for the project. We spent 100 thousand rubles on the construction of the Russian oven. The rest of the money (almost 600 thousand rubles) - for a series of unique master classes for children: pottery, carving and painting on wood, making rushnikov, household dances, cooking classes -.....
I received a letter from the Ministry of Culture stating that the signing of the agreement between the gymnasium and the Foundation is impossible....The gymnasium refused to sign a contract with the foundation. I lost the opportunity to receive a grant and implement this project.
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