Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever's Hunter Mentor Pledge

Описание к видео Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever's Hunter Mentor Pledge

Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever have once again partnered with ALPS OutdoorZ to challenge upland hunters to preserve the nation’s outdoor lifestyle by taking a new or lapsed hunter afield during the 2021-2022 seasons.

Aimed at helping restore hunter numbers (a critical centerpiece for wildlife habitat conservation efforts nationwide), The Mentor Pledge encourages veteran outdoorsmen and women to take a less-experienced or new hunter into the field, teach them how to hunt ethically and successfully, emphasize the importance of habitat conservation, and illustrate the value of our hunting culture and heritage through one-on-one mentorship. It is this type of personal interaction that will help aspiring outdoorsmen and women to preserve America’s hunting lifestyle for generations to come.


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