3 Year Ownership Update | Honda CRF250 Rally

Описание к видео 3 Year Ownership Update | Honda CRF250 Rally

I've now had my little CRF250L Rally in my possession for 3-years (give or take a few weeks) so its time to check over what I've done over the last 12 months since we last took a look at the bike and answer the fundamental question: Do I still like it?

Parts and Gear Review Links:
Givi GRT Tool Bag:    • Givi GRT717 Tool Bag Review  
Givi GRT717 Panniers:    • GIVI GRT718 Pannier Review  
Nelson-Rigg Adventure Slim Tank Bag:    • Nelson-Rigg Sport Adventure Slim Tank...  
Shinko E804 and E805 Tyres:    • Honda CRF250L Rally Shinko E804/E805 ...  
DRC Wide Footpegs:    • Honda CRF250 Rally DRC Wide Footpeg I...  
R&G Tail Tidy:    • CRF250L Rally R&G Tail Tidy and Futur...  

Ownership first impressions:    • CRF250L Rally Ownership First Impress...  


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