The Value of a Moment; Why Mindfulness matters to me. | Stephen Downey | TEDxBallyroanLibrary

Описание к видео The Value of a Moment; Why Mindfulness matters to me. | Stephen Downey | TEDxBallyroanLibrary

Stephen Downey, discusses why Mindfulness matters to him and how valuing the present moment helped him to get through some very dark days. It is his hope that sharing his story may help others in their dark times. Stephen is an IT Consultant, public speaker and founder of Our Mindful Moments. A Facebook page that promotes Mindfulness and Positive Mental Health.

In November 2017, Stephen sat in the audience of TEDx Tallaght. He was so inspired by the speakers that night, he decided that he wanted to share his own story at TEDx someday. The only problem was, he had no public speaking experience, at the time.

Over the two years that followed, he applied to and received a rejection letter from nearly every TEDx event in Ireland, as well as some in the UK. He never gave up on his dream and passion to inspire others to share their own story. The goal to speak at TEDx, turned into a journey rather than a destination where he met many amazing people along the way to #TEDxBallyroanLibrary.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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