Via Ferrata Koschlak (C, C/D): A Thrilling Climb In Bad Eisenkappel, Carinthia, Austria!

Описание к видео Via Ferrata Koschlak (C, C/D): A Thrilling Climb In Bad Eisenkappel, Carinthia, Austria!

Koschlak Via Ferrata/Koschlak klettersteig in Bad Eisenkappel is a nice climb with moderate difficulty, graded as difficulty C, with variant D. There are a lot of A and B sections, but still you should not underestimate this route and never try it without proper equipment! From a parking lot there is only one minute to walk to the start. How long it takes you to climb this via ferrata is up to you. There is a very interesting Nepal bridge to cross in the middle and caves are interesting, too. When you reach the caves, there are two exit options - easier one with A section and difficult one which is a D grade, with slight overhang. When you reach the ruins at the top, there is a 15-minute walk back to the parking lot. If not too tired, you can proceed across the parking lot and have fun in easier training via ferrata called Speedy.
Do not attempt via ferrata without proper equipment, knowledge and experience.
(Date of climb: October 14, 2023)

Ferata Koschlak v Železni Kapli je lepa ferata z zmerno težavnostjo, ocenjena kot težavnost C, z varianto D. Veliko je odsekov A in B, a vseeno ferate ni za podcenjevati in nikar seje ne lotite brez ustrezne opreme! S parkirišča do vstopa v ferato je le minuta hoje. Koliko časa bo trajalo vzpenjanje po tej ferati, pa je odvisno od vas. Na sredini je zelo zanimiv nepalski most, zanimive pa so tudi jame. Ko pridemo do jam, sta na voljo dve možnosti izstopa - lažja z A odsekom in težja, ki je D stopnje, z rahlim previsom. Ko pridemo do ruševin na vrhu, je 15 minut hoje nazaj do parkirišča. Če niste preveč utrujeni, lahko nadaljujete čez parkirišče in se zabavate na lažji, učni ferati imenovani Speedy.
Ferate se ne lotevajte brez ustrezne opreme, znanja in izkušenj.
(Datum plezanja: 14.10.2023)

00:00 Intro
00:14 Via ferrata topo and start
00:35 Via ferrata start
01:08 Before first bridge
01:48 First bridge
02:24 Nepal bridge
03:26 Traverse
04:30 Caves and descending to the final part
04:53 Grade D exit
05:42 Final part
05:56 The Ruins (Türkenschanze)


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