BBC Choral Evensong: Ely Cathedral 1982 (Arthur Wills)

Описание к видео BBC Choral Evensong: Ely Cathedral 1982 (Arthur Wills)

Live BBC broadcast from Ely Cathedral, 23 June 1982, with the cathedral choir, directed by Arthur Wills and accompanied by Stephen Le Prevost (organ).

The accompanying image is reproduced by kind permission of Andrew Sharpe (

Responses: Ayleward
Psalms 4, 121, 124 (Turle, Lott, Goss)
Lessons: Isaiah 49, vv 18-23: John 6, vv 28-40
Office Hymn: Jesu, corona virginum (E.H. 192)
Canticles: Evening Service in B minor (T Tertius Noble)
Anthem: O how glorious is the kingdom (Basil Harwood)
Organ Voluntary: Carillon on “Orientis partibus” (Arthur Wills)


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