Vedic Astrology Narcissism of Sun Moon Men Women Mother Father Family Vedic Astrology

Описание к видео Vedic Astrology Narcissism of Sun Moon Men Women Mother Father Family Vedic Astrology

Heal Your Family Karma Course

You spend your whole life trying to evolve personally and spiritually. You've been to classes, gone on retreats, then out of the blue there's a message from your mother, and suddenly you're 10 years old again, triggered. Click here for a deep breakdown on Healing your family karma .

Live - This Sunday May 14 @ 10AM Pacific
Vedic Astrology and Family Karma Master Class

"I will teach this overview of the planets (and houses) live, so you can understand these overarching themes before the full class begins".
Your Father, the Sun - (10th house) and your evolving confidence and truthful power.
Behavior Problem: Narcissism(M), Self-importance, aversion to responsibility, acting like a mouse or a tyrant,..
Your Mother, the Moon - (4th house) and your evolving emotions and truthful connection to the heart.
Behavior Problem: Narcissism(F), Co-dependence, boundaries, emotional manipulation/victim complex, passive aggression
Your Siblings, Mars -- Mercury (3rd house) - and your evolving ego, will, courage and discrimination
Behavior Problem: Competing, winning and losing, enjoying the tussle of life, learning from mistakes and battles, skilled warrior.
Your Children, Jupiter (5th -- 9th house) and your evolving devotion and dedication to a higher purpose
Behavior Problem: Directionless w/ no purpose, from money to religion to God, finding inspiration, meaning and truth
Your lovers (partners), Venus (7th house) and your evolving desires and connection to beauty, agreements, and all others
Behavior Problem: Sexuality, objectification, devaluing yourself and others, sharing equally, boundaries, inner and outer beauty,
Your Elders, Saturn and your evolving commitments and reverence for the passage of time
Behavior Problem: Worried, fearful, feeling unloved/unprotected, disappointed, forgiving others due to fragility, mistakes & cruelty.


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