Antarctica Republic and Its 13 States | HispaniolaNewGuinea

Описание к видео Antarctica Republic and Its 13 States | HispaniolaNewGuinea

Watch this fan video in reference to Kids Learning Tube (KLT) about the fictional Antarctica Republic, a country covering Antarctica, Earth's southernmost continent, with in real life, has no permanent human population. The Antarctic Republic is divided administratively into thirteen (13) autonomous states. The continent nation also has one (1) polar vicinity, the South Polar Vicinity (SPV), which contains three geographical features: Antarctic City, the national federated capital of the Antarctic Republic; Polisville, the largest urban city in the Antarctica Republic; and the Geographic South Pole, our Earth's southernmost point where you cannot go further south because it is 90 degrees South latitude.

13 Autonomous Antarctic States and Capitals------------------------
1. Arvostland - Froston
2. Circulopia -- Circle City
3. Everyglace --- Nevertoon
4. Gangadash ---- Gangadale
5. Heavenland ----- Whitebridge
6. Jarkolonco ------ Jimenapolis
7. Lassicolon ------- Glacierburg
8. Midetarcticay -------- Oceanwood
9. Nortangailer --------- Neotopia
10. Peninsulitica ---------- Sellamachee
11. Southopolic ----------- Polar City
12. Tisstrost ------------ Ducastan
13. Vexitia ------------- Elemenope

1 Polar Vicinity and 3 Geographical Features-------------------------
0. South Polar Vicinity (SPV), enclaved by Southopolic, has 3 locations
1. Antarctic City - national federated capital of the Antarctic Republic
2. Polisville -- largest urbanized city in the Antarctica Republic
3. Geographic South Pole --- Earth's southernmost point

The Antarctica Republic Has 13 States
13 Antarctic States and 13 Autonomous States

The Antarctic Republic Has 1 Polar Vicinity
Its capital's Antarctic City
We have the Geographic South Pole

I am Arvostland
Located in the west I do blend
My capital's name is Froston
It's where this star just has spun

Circulopia is the uppermost point
I do touch the Southern Ocean I don't disappoint
My capital is Circle City
Shape of a perfect circle it is not a pity

Autonomous State of Everyglace
Located likely in the southeast
Nevertoon is a beautiful place
It is quite a heck of a beast

Gangadash is a blast
Geographically in the east it is so vast
My capital is full of thrill
Its name it goes by Gangadale

I'm the lowermost point of Antarctic land
My name is Heavenland
A star is spinning onto the fridge
The capital it presents Whitebridge

Jarkolonco is the largest state
Touching Southern Ocean it does sedate
Jimenapolis is my capital
On the coast that's how I roll

I am a landlocked state
Lassicolon is my name
Glacierburg's the capital's fate
It is a bit of a fame

Hello down here I'm Midetarcticay
A coastal Antarctic state I do obey
The capital it's Oceanwood
Yes I hope you understood

Nortangailer is in the corner
I am a great performer
My capital's Neotopia
The star's land in this utopia

Peninsulitica is a peninsula
Between Peninsulitica Sea and Gulf of Antarctica
I do have a capital this star you see
Sellamachee that's enough about me

Southopolic is naturally the southernmost state
The most populated state I can relate
My capital city is Polar City
It's near the South Polar Vicinity

Tisstrost has the Crisscross Frost
An autonomous Antarctic state I'm its boss
My capital is named Ducastan
Located in this star I am a fan

The last of the 13 States I'm Vexitia
Landlocked in the center hi it's nice to meet ya
My capital's a letter Elemenope
In my center X Y and Z

The South Polar Vicinity's enclaved in the center
I have 3 geographical centers

Antarctic City is this country's nation capital city
Polisville is a federal and largest city
The Geographic South Pole is this circular
The southernmost land on this Earth

I'm Antarctica Republic
Or Antarctic Republic
My capital Antarctic City
It is the public

The Antarctica Republic Has 13 States
13 Antarctic States and 13 Autonomous States

The Antarctic Republic Has 1 Polar Vicinity
Its capital's Antarctic City
We have the Geographic South Pole
HispaniolaNewGuinea (HNG) is a brand branch of Blanding Cassatt aiming to educate and entertain towards geography, countries, states, provinces, continents, and more. It can be about fake geography, fictional geography, or real geography. Named after the two islands in the world, Hispaniola & New Guinea, it is likely a successor of Kids Learning Tube (KLT) by Matthew Lawrence planning to publish videos about every country, state, province and more.
#BlandingCassatt #Antarctica #AntarcticaRepublic #HispaniolaNewGuinea #KidsLearningTube #KLT #HNG


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