Dune 2000 - War of Assassins, Atreides, mission 9

Описание к видео Dune 2000 - War of Assassins, Atreides, mission 9

The Shield Wall, a natural border, is an encampment for the Atreides defensive army, the place is a highly important strategic point used as the main frontier defense for the Atreides. This region protects the capital of the Atreides called Arrakeen which is directly located behind the Shield Wall, it's a priority to keep it safe and that's why the Atreides are now heading there, to aid the rest of the Atreides troops in the defense of their border as thousands of Sardaukar and heavy imperial vehicles have been deployed in direction to the Shield Wall. The Emperor wants to destroy the Shield Wall's defense and advanced towards Arrakeen, striking a decisive blow to the Atreides that will make them lose the entire war, if the Atreides successfully defend the Shield Wall, then they will achieve one of their greatest victories, leaving the Emperor's army totally destroyed, but if they lose the battle, their presence in Arrakis will disappear.


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