Dionne Brand: The Shape of Language

Описание к видео Dionne Brand: The Shape of Language

The poet Dionne Brand delivers a talk and shares selections from her forthcoming book, The Blue Clerk (Duke). Brand’s presentation—commissioned by the Graham Foundation in partnership with the Poetry Foundation—weaves narratives between Brand and the artist Torkwase Dyson as both address the language of shapes. Selections of this talk will be included in the Wynter-Wells School publication that will be published at the conclusion of the exhibition at the Madlener House.

Dionne Brand is a Canadian poet. Born in Trinidad, Brand attended the University of Toronto earning degrees in Philosophy and English and a Masters in the Philosophy of Education. Her books of poetry include No Language Is Neutral, a finalist for the Governor General’s Award; Land to Light On, winner of the Governor General’s Award and the Trillium Award; and thirsty, finalist for the Griffin Prize and winner of the Pat Lowther Award for poetry. Brand is also the author of the acclaimed novels In Another Place, Not Here, which was shortlisted for the Chapters/Books in Canada First Novel Award and the Trillium Award, and At the Full and Change of the Moon. Her works of non-fiction include Bread Out of Stone and A Map to the Door of No Return. In addition to her literary accomplishments, Brand is Professor of English in the School of English and Theatre Studies at the University of Guelph.

The Poetry Foundation, publisher of Poetry magazine, is an independent literary organization committed to a vigorous presence for poetry in our culture. It exists to discover and celebrate the best poetry and to place it before the largest possible audience.

For more information on the exhibition, Wynter-Wells School: http://www.grahamfoundation.org/publi...


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