The 7 Noahide Laws

Описание к видео The 7 Noahide Laws

According to Jewish tradition, there are seven ancient laws which serve as the basis for civilized society. I’ll list them in the description below. These laws are seen as applying universally to all of humanity, not just Jews. They’re called the “Noahide” laws because tradition says they were given in their fullness to Noah after the flood. According to Judaism, Gentiles don’t have to keep the Law of Moses, but they are required to keep the Noahide Laws. And a non-Jew who keeps them is considered a “righteous Gentile,” or simply a “Noahide.” Are these laws found in the Bible? Well, not as a list, and certainly not as given to Noah. This is actually an idea that comes from the Talmud, not Scripture. The first six laws come from different parts of the Bible, but the seventh doesn’t. So Christianity doesn’t recognize the extra-biblical concept of the Noahide laws, per se, but we certainly recognize any command as important where it aligns with Scripture.



The Noahide Laws:
1. Do not deny God (no idolatry).
2. Do not murder.
3. Do not steal.
4. Do not engage in sexual immorality.
5. Do not blaspheme.
6. Do not eat of a live animal (no eating flesh taken from an animal while it is still alive).
7. Establish courts and legal systems to ensure obedience of these laws.


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