What is Preterism?

Описание к видео What is Preterism?

When Jesus comes into Jerusalem, he lays out a series of prophecies concerning the temple. He warns that not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down. He further states that these prophecies will come upon this generation (Matt. 24:34). He speaks of a time when the great testament to the Jewish system will pass away in an apocalyptic fashion. The passages--Matthew 24, Mark 13 & Luke 21--offer a host of time clues that determine the context of Jesus' prophecy.

In this short video, I offer a big-picture definition of Preterism. Preterism means that the prophecies of Jesus, particularly in the Olivet Discourse, had a distinct audience in mind; not a future audience, but those standing there hearing our Lord in his earthly ministry.


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