What if… we really wanted to further social mobility through education?

Описание к видео What if… we really wanted to further social mobility through education?

IOE Public Debates

Challenge our panel and find out more about the latest ideas on boosting social mobility through education.

Speakers include:

Kate Pickett is Professor of Epidemiology in the Department of Health Sciences at the University of York
Lord David Willetts is the Executive Chair of the Resolution Foundation
Diane Reay is Professor of Education at Cambridge University
James Croft is Founding Director of the Centre for Education Economics
Chair: Professor Becky Francis is the Director of UCL Institute of Education

Twitter: #IOEDebates

Introducing 'What If?' | UCL Institute of Education

Director of the UCL Institute of Education, Professor Becky Francis, announces the launch of a new public engagement series of events.
Through this series we’ll be bringing together a range of commentators – academics, politicians, practitioners, policy wonks – and pushing them to bring some radical new thinking to some of the apparently intractable issues within education, not least the English education system.

This can help all of us reflect on the status quo, celebrate progress but also consider how we might change things for the better to achieve commonly held goals for our education system and what it can do for us all.

Join us in the debate and let your opinion be heard

Title: What if… we really wanted to further social mobility through education?
Dates: Tuesday 31 October 2017
Time: 5:30pm to 6:45pm (BST)
Location: Clarke Hall, UCL Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London, WC1H 0AL
More details: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/ioe/news-events/...


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