All about BUTTERFLIES for Kids in Chinese 神奇的蝴蝶 | 蝴蝶的蛻變 | Animal Science for Kids in Chinese 幼兒科普短片

Описание к видео All about BUTTERFLIES for Kids in Chinese 神奇的蝴蝶 | 蝴蝶的蛻變 | Animal Science for Kids in Chinese 幼兒科普短片

🦋 In this captivating episode, we'll explore the incredible transformation from CATERPILLAR to BUTTERFLY, discovering the unique traits that make them special, while learning helpful vocabulary and phrases IN CHINESE! Get ready to spread your wings and embark on a colorful journey filled with fun facts and amazing discoveries about BUTTERFLIES and magical METAMORPHOSIS.

#learnchinese #chineseforkids #butterfliesinchinese #caterpillarsinchinese #metamorphosisinchinese #transformation #蝴蝶 #毛毛蟲 #蛻變 #學中文 #蝴蝶中文 #毛毛蟲中文#動物中文

Here are the key vocabularies IN CHINESE:

** Traditional Chinese **

昆蟲 ㄎㄨㄣ ㄔㄨㄥˊ - Insect
蝴蝶 ㄏㄨˊ ㄉㄧㄝˊ - Butterfly
動物 ㄉㄨㄥˋ ㄨˋ - Animal
帝王蝶 ㄉㄧˋ ㄨㄤˊ ㄉㄧㄝˊ - Monarch Butterfly
燕尾蝶 ㄧㄢˋ ㄨㄟˇ ㄉㄧㄝˊ - Swallowtail Butterfly
藍袍蝶 ㄌㄢˊ ㄆㄠˊ ㄉㄧㄝˊ - Blue Morpho Butterfly
花粉 ㄏㄨㄚ ㄈㄣˇ - Pollen
毛毛蟲 ㄇㄠˊ ㄇㄠˊ ㄔㄨㄥˊ - Caterpillar
蛻變 ㄊㄨㄟˋ ㄅㄧㄢˋ - Metamorphosis
蛹 ㄩㄥˇ - Pupa

** Simplified Chinese **

昆虫 Kūnchóng - Insect
蝴蝶 húdié - Butterfly
动物 dòngwù - Animal
帝王蝶 dìwáng dié - Monarch Butterfly
燕尾蝶 yànwěi dié - Swallowtail Butterfly
蓝袍蝶 lán páo dié - Blue Morpho Butterfly
花粉 huāfěn - Pollen
毛毛虫 máomao chóng - Caterpillar
蜕变 tuìbiàn - Metamorphosis
蛹 yǒng - Pupa

0:00 - 00:38 Intro
0:39 - 2:42 Different Kinds of Butterflies
2:43 - 4:38 Metamorphosis
4:39 - 5:49 Winter and Mama Laoshi Raising Butterflies!
5:50 - 6:12 Wrap up
6:13 - 6:53 Outtro


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