Yamaha Waverunner FX HO Jet Ski Fishing Setup Installation Video

Описание к видео Yamaha Waverunner FX HO Jet Ski Fishing Setup Installation Video

www.gcjetskifishing.com for all your Yamaha and Sea-doo Fish Pro jet ski fishing accessories.

In this video I show you a full setup of a 2019 Yamaha Waverunner FX HO fishing Jet ski. From installing a GC Jetski Fishing auxiliary fuel tank, handle bar wind deflectors, and dash mount system with rod holders to installing Nav lights, underwater LEDs, switch panels and more. Also a custom removable live bait tank system plumbed into the visibility spout on the Waverunner.
I also modified the existing fish finder installation and relocated the fish finder to the left hand side, and added rod holders to the right hand side
This ski came into the shop in fairly basic spec but left the shop a with a fully kitted out jet ski fishing setup, this ski will be a weapon on the water!


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