Mount Everest Death Zone

Описание к видео Mount Everest Death Zone

*Content Warning* This video contains material that may be harmful or
traumatizing to some audiences. VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED**

**We are a comedy podcast. Any laughter and jokes are meant to lighten the mood of what we discuss. It’s not meant to be disrespectful. If you don’t like that type of show, don’t watch it. It’s not a documentary in any kind of way. Chill.”

This week we go... a little more grim than normal and talk about the Mount Everest Death Zone.

The highest peak in the world is the ultimate adventure experience that many are willing to, and have, risk their lives to summit. Also known as an open air graveyard, numerous bodies line the hike of this beast. So it's not all that shocking to hear it's also haunted by lost spirits, and those who are trying to help their counterparts do what they died trying.

We also discover, to no one's surprise, that Carrie wants no part of any kind of hike ever, and that Laura isn't opposed to the tiny mountains of Nepal.


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