Charlie Haden & The Liberation Music Orchestra (feat. Carla Bley) – Paris, October 31, 1982

Описание к видео Charlie Haden & The Liberation Music Orchestra (feat. Carla Bley) – Paris, October 31, 1982

00:00:00 La Santa Espina (A. Guimerá/E. Morera) – Fragment 4’44
00:05:06 La Pasionaria (C. Haden) – 20’40
00:25:50 Els Segadors (Trad.) – 6’24
00:32:17 The Ballad Of The Fallen (Folk Song from El Salvador) – 6’59
00:39:16 If you want to Write Me (Trad.) – 9’22
00:48:38 Gandola Vila Morena (J. Alfonso) – 8’12
00:56:50 Introduction to People (C. Bley) – 8’50
01:05:40 The People United Will Never Be Defeated (S. Ortega) – 1’47
01:07:54 Silence (C. Haden) – 6’01

Charlie Haden (bass)
Carla Bley (piano, glockenspiel, cond.)
Don Cherry (trumpet)
Michael Mantler (trumpet)
Dewey Redman (tenor sax.)
Jim Pepper (soprano & tenor sax., flute)
Steve Slagle (soprano & alto sax., clarinet, flute)
Gary Valente (trombone)
Sharon Freeman (french horn)
Jack Jeffers (tuba)
Mick Goodrick (guitar)
Paul Motian (drums, perc.)

Paris, France, Festival de Paris – October 31, 1982

We disassociate ourselves from any political activism : the interest of the present publication is purely musical.


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