EDF 5 M94 Bloody Battle Inferno Wing Diver Weapons Farming ( Earth Defense Force )

Описание к видео EDF 5 M94 Bloody Battle Inferno Wing Diver Weapons Farming ( Earth Defense Force )

This is one of the most interesting missions in the campaign and one of the best for weapons farming (armor will come along too if you need it). The NPCs will do the majority of the work if you play your cards right and you can and should pick crates as they work.

There are just a few steps that you need to take care that will make this happen:

- AVOID shooting colonists or cosmonauts when it's not needed, as they will all focus on you!

- when the ants wave spawns you need to maintain it before the rail line, to avoid them crushing the NPCs tanks and Nixes. So when they appear fly and dash towards them, and keep doing it in circles that will approach the railway line, but not much. They will all be killed by the NPCs eventually

- when the 4 laser cosmonauts are dropped, 2 will be destroyed by artillery. You should kill the remaining 2, the rightmost and the 3rd from right considering your starting position and view. It's important to be on top of the building where the rightmost one will be dropped, so you can kill it before it becomes dangerous. Be careful that by this time there will be a shotgun cosmonaut around the area and these are deadly

- capture all NPC squads: 2 fencer ones, 1 rangers with the sarge, 1 ranger with rockets and 1 wing divers. From this point on it's important to keep picking health crates to maintain these guys alive

- going by the right or left proceed to kill the last remaining laser colonist in the back. Be careful

- when the 2 large pylons drop you must destroy ASAP the leftmost one considering your starting position and view, as this one drops spiders that are worse for the NPCs than ants

- if you want, kill any or all of the long range plasma colonists but it's not required

- at ALL times keep picking crates to keep NPCs healthy and reduce the number of crates on the map, as there will be a lot more than 128 and after that number they stop dropping, and that is the main objective

The only important weapon is one to kill the 2 laser colonists and the pylons. I used the Dragoon Lance ZM which has huge damage at close range, but has a reasonable range if needed. As second weapon I used the Gleipnir but its effect was more annoying the enemies as it won't solve much here. A good option is the Blink Ball FZ as it has 0 energy cost.
The 2K armor helps as you'll take a lot of risks. Cosmos and colonists can still focus on you even if you're not shooting them.

This is one of the missions where the NPCs will do almost all work if you do things right, and that means more time to pick crates. And it's mighty fun to do too.

Have fun,

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