Freaq FM Firmware v1.2 New Features

Описание к видео Freaq FM Firmware v1.2 New Features

A quick jam previewing a few features from the next firmware update: per-track clock division, exponential amplitude envelopes and additive LFO modulation.

Pre-track Clock Division:
Each track can independently run at a clock division of /1, /2, /3, /4, /8, /16, /32 or /64.

Exponential Amplitude:
Previous version uses linear ASR envelope, v1.2 features exponential AD envelopes for amplitude, producing much snappier percussive sounds

Additive LFO modulation:
Previous version simply replaced the target control value (eg amp decay) with the LFO value. v1.2 now adds the LFO to the current control value, giving greater expressive control.

Per-voice Detune
Not shown here, but v1.2 also includes per-voice fine and coarse detune.

Target release date: May 2023.


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