My Omnibus F4 iNav Quad Copter Experiment - Part 3 GPS PID Tuning

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My Omnibus F4 iNav Quad Copter Experiment - Part 3 GPS PID Tuning. (position hold tuning)
Learning what parameters to change to get a good position hold and reduce the pitch oscillation (pendulum effect or front/back wobble in nav position hold).

I rebuilt the Woodie quad after the crash and replaced one propeller
Then continued with the testing for position hold.
Tried adjustments to nav_mc_vel_xy_p and nav_mc_vel_xy_d

This quad is balanced but it is heavy in the back and front. It would be better if the gimbal and batteries were moved toward the middle more.
The crazy thing is that ii flies ok in angle mode and altitude hold but oscillates on position hold. It seems like position hold gets is swinging like a pendulum, back and forth. I am trying to find settings that correct only position hold. It may not be possible with this weight distribution, not sure.


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