Yuki Kamitani : Externalizing and sharing the neuroverse...

Описание к видео Yuki Kamitani : Externalizing and sharing the neuroverse...

Yuki Kamitani - Kyoto University and ATR - @ykamit - The brain represents the external world through the bottleneck of sensory organs. The network of hierarchically organized neurons is thought to recover the causes of sensory inputs to reconstruct the reality in the brain in idiosyncratic ways depending on individuals and their internal states. How can we understand the world model represented in an individual’s brain, or the neuroverse? My lab has been working on brain decoding of visual perception and subjective experiences such as imagery and dreaming using machine learning and deep neural network representations. In this talk, I will outline the progress of brain decoding methods and present how subjective experiences are externalized as images and how they could be shared across individuals via neural code conversion. The prospects of these approaches in basic science and neurotechnology will be discussed.


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