The K'nuter - K'NEX Computer

Описание к видео The K'nuter - K'NEX Computer

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This is one component of a simple mechanical computer--a full adder--comprised entirely of K'NEX parts and no electronic components. A memory bank as well as an instruction decoder, a program counter, and other key computer components is soon to follow, provided that I can get my hands on some more parts (and a larger space to house the machine).


NOTE: This project is now on indefinite hold as I no longer have the funding to complete it. I appreciate all the wonderful support my viewers have provided; hopefully some day we can show K'Nex how much people care about this effort and regain their support to build the first full K'NEX computer.


I have received a tremendous response from many viewers, and I just want to say thank you for everyone's comments.

This project is very important to me as it is part of a long-term personal goal to create a macroscopic realization of some of the intricacies that comprise a modern computer. My hope is that in doing so, I can not only satisfy my own interests but also spark an interest in many young people by providing an understanding of what's actually going on inside these devices we use every day.

If you are interested in seeing more, you can do your part by spreading the word. As simple as it sounds, even just telling your friends about the project can be a huge help: you never know when the right person is going to hear about it and lend a helping hand.

As of now, I have detailed plans for an entire simple CPU capable of running an 8-bit instruction set (not unlike some of the first microprocessors). This will take a LOT of time, but it is a goal that is completely realizable with the right amount of help.

I very much want this to be an open-source project because I know that closed-door operations often suffer not only from a lack of momentum but more importantly a lack of external intuition. Any assistance is always greatly appreciated.

Best regards,


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