I'm Still Here--Anakin and Obi-Wan

Описание к видео I'm Still Here--Anakin and Obi-Wan

Hello, everyone! My overactive mind has analyzed the heck out of this song's lyrics and applied them to Star Wars. If you have no desire to hear my thoughts on that, I suggest you just watch the video and ignore the rest of this. However, if you're interested in what was in my mind when I made this video, read on for my take on how the parts of this song relate to both Obi-Wan and Anakin:

One of the main problems with Obi-Wan and Anakin's relationship, in my opinion, was that while they cared for each other very much, they could never be quite what the other wanted: Obi-Wan was never going to be as obvious about what he felt as Anakin would have liked, and Anakin was never going to learn to live life with the sort of mindset the Jedi promoted. Everything about Anakin that really made him who he was always seemed to be condemned by the Order he was a part of (emotion, love, attachment, etc.).

So, in hearing this song, there were many bits of it that really made me think of Anakin (mostly the verses themselves, although there are some lines in them that seem more like Obi-Wan). That whole idea of things being suppressed, words he couldn't say, how everything people wanted from him was something he couldn't be, trying to be something else in order to make someone proud--it all kind of seemed like him. All of it also seemed pretty in line with the sort of thoughts I think he'd have toward Obi-Wan.

The chorus made me think mostly of Obi-Wan. Anakin fell and betrayed him, but Obi-Wan never really understood what happened to his friend, I don't think. He certainly didn't understand or agree with Anakin's reasoning, and he believed that those incorrect beliefs led to Anakin's downfall, a decision which couldn't be taken back, and which snuffed out Anakin's light. Whatever the reasoning, Anakin was gone, and Obi-Wan was the one still there, though he had no way of knowing if Anakin even still existed, and eventually he came to the conclusion that he'd been consumed by Vader ( though in my mind, because I'm sappy like this, I like to think he held out some sort of hope that Anakin was still there somewhere). So, in all the years between Anakin's fall and Obi-Wan's death on the Death Star, things kept changing and moving on--things like Luke's growth--and even though Anakin was gone and couldn't see it, Obi-Wan was still there, wondering where Anakin went and mulling over the uncertainties of exactly what happened.

And then, of course, there's a happy ending, because Obi-Wan is still there, waiting, when Anakin finally comes back to the light in the end. Because he's always still there. Anakin left, but Obi-Wan didn't. And it pays off in the end, because his friend comes home.

Anyhow, pay close attention to the lyrics, because they play a very big part in this video.

Did I put too much thought into this? Probably, yes, but I'm on Christmas break from college, and I've got a little time. Blame it on that. Thanks for watching. :)


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