Opie and Anthony: Roland at the movies!

Описание к видео Opie and Anthony: Roland at the movies!

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0:00 12/11/2006

Opens with some dirty talk. Typical of Jim.

Roland is asked about movies. James Bond. "It was Godawful!"

Casino Royale. Roland explains.

"You're a 50s movie trailer! You stink!"

Casino Royale: Best Bond movie.

The Pursuit of Happiness.

Caller from Jersey asks if he is real.

"How would you describe the Titanic?"

The Godfather?

"Have you ever seen Memento?"

Lord of the Rings or the Star Wars Trilogy?

"How about Jaws?"

Pulp Fiction.

"They go out to do stuff!"

Raiders of the Lost Ark. Roland is asked to describe it.

Anthony would like Roland to be the only witness if he ever committed a crime.

TIL: Roland used to work for Carson Daly.


Roland interviewing Mike Meyers.



More audio.

"Action, Intrigue, Hairy Ass."

"Carson had some vision with you."

"Roland, Roland, Roland."



Anthony describes what Roland does. "He offered us a band!"

Roland is asked about the TV show Heroes.

"He gets so flustered, he can't even speak!"

The Last King of Scotland. Dreamgirls.

Pursuit of Happiness.

Notes of a Scandal.

Night at the Museum.

"You sound like you said Idiot Me!"

Band: Cold War Kids. CD DESTROYED.

Travis is questioned.


"Roland, any movies you're excited about?"

Roland answers. Spiderman 3? Shrek 3?

Roland describes Shrek 3.

Trek 3? Truck 3?


"Roland sees more movies than anyone alive."

"Name one movie you didn't see this year."

I am Legend.

Patrice O'Neal is present. Jim is not.

Roland is asked how he got to see it so soon.

"You do red carpet?"

4-5 movies a week? "You're sad."

"Tyler Durden sits next to you?"

"The reference of the decade!" Patrice goes off.

Roland prefers action movies and "chick flicks".

The Movie "Once." Patrice explains it.

Opie describes "guy meets girl" movie. ZZZZZzzzz

"This movie should come with AIDS!"

"Can I have a large popcorn with AIDS!"

"It's a movie about a mixtape!"

Roland explains why he likes it.

"It's a musical?"

"How was Beowolf?"

Roland is asked about a Top 10.

The Savages. "That just sounds horrible and depressing!"

"And this was the 10th!"

3:10 to Yuma. Better recieved.

He is asked about Batman. He liked the one with Micheal Keaton.

Gone, Baby, Gone.

There will be Blood.


Caller. "You sound like a gay Keebler Elf!"

Plot Twist: Once had good reviews.

"I'd rather get a root canal."

Borne Ultimatum.

Sweeney Todd.


Favorite Scary Movie.

"Little Creepy Kids don't scare me."

Cliffhanger. Mr. Brooks.

No Country for Old Men.

Coen brothers movie.

Fargo impression.

Caller asks about Tom Hanks movies.

Sleepless in Seattle.

Saving Private Ryan.

Bachelor Party.

Best Denzel Movie.



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