Reef tank frag swap 11-2023 finds in Ann Arbor, MI

Описание к видео Reef tank frag swap 11-2023 finds in Ann Arbor, MI

Here are my most recent snags from down the road in Ann Arbor, MI. There were so many great corals there, I'm so bummed my budget was so low!!!

I got a total of 6 corals, one of which was my favorite find. I love the trachyphyllia because it reminded me of an old one I used to have in my 90 gal. This new one is really a good 6 inches across when opened up all the way at the show.

I also got a few decent frags and a really pretty goniopora.

I also really love that almost all of these are aquaculture, which means more hardy for the home aquarium.

#reef #reeftank #saltwater #aquarium #fishtank #saltwateraquarium #aquariumhobby #kamoer #alkalinity #calcium


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