Ameba-Shaped Residence on the Coast of Chile | "S" House

Описание к видео Ameba-Shaped Residence on the Coast of Chile | "S" House

Perched atop a rocky cliff 20 meters high, the house features a design with a concrete podium embedded into the slope, making it virtually invisible from certain viewpoints. This diminishes the image of a large house in the landscape. Its sculptural form, defined by a transparent pavilion in the shape of an amoeba, provides stunning views of the ocean and sunset. Inside, spacious and airy areas like the kitchen, dining area, and living room offer comfort and sophistication, seamlessly blending with the natural surroundings with floor-to-ceiling glass.


Architects: Gubbins Polidura Arquitectos, MasArquitectos
Photographs: Aryeh Kornfeld, Roland Halbe
Location: Zapallar, Chile
Area: 4521 ft²
Year: 2020


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