Procedure for Scouting Cannabis Plants for Potential Problems

Описание к видео Procedure for Scouting Cannabis Plants for Potential Problems

Procedure for Scouting Cannabis Plants for Potential Problems

Professor DeBacco

Know What the Normal Looks Like
This pertains to the obvious above ground plant portions, but do not forget about the below ground and internal structures

Know What Is Common
Before you go and inspect know what you are likely to find.
Keep an open-eye but there can be some expected issues based on the plants age, and growing environment.

What is “Hot” This Year
Particularly for outdoor locations try and get an idea what others may be seeing as this will help provide some hints on what you should be on the look out for this year.

Disease Triangle

Basic Equipment Needed
Pen/Pencil and Paper
Hand Lens
Pocket knife

Consider Recent Events
Outdoor = Weather
Indoor = Treatments and conditions

Scouting Patterns
Goal is not to follow a single row, but get a better overview of the area

Evaluate the Plants
Consider the entire group of plants as well as individuals
Look for patterns

Classify Issues
Few plants here and there
Could also be on different portions of plants
Typically a sign of early insects
Issues found in groups or sections
Pockets of similarities
Typically associated with a soil issue such as disease and/or water

Aggregated Vs Repeated

Take Pictures
This can involve general field images as well as individual plants
Portions of interest are valuable, but sometimes also having the larger image of the area can be helpful.

Submit Samples If Needed
Be sure to collected “clean” and early symptom and advanced symptom portions of the plant material.

If collecting roots be sure also collect them with the soil around them for analysis in the lab.

Link to Lecture Slides:

420 Magazine Source Content by Slide Title:
Know what the normal looks like
Know what is Common
Consider Recent Events

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