E3 2014 Assassin's Creed Unity《刺客教條:大革命》SP Commented 單人模式解析 [中文字幕] - Ubisoft SEA

Описание к видео E3 2014 Assassin's Creed Unity《刺客教條:大革命》SP Commented 單人模式解析 [中文字幕] - Ubisoft SEA

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1789 年,巴黎,法國大革命讓這座金碧輝煌的城市淪落成恐懼與混亂的領地。膽敢起義挑戰暴虐統治者的平民,他們的鮮血染紅了圓石鋪成的街道;當這個國家逐漸分裂時,一位名為「亞諾」(Arno)的青年將展開一場非凡的歷程、並找出這場革命背後的真正勢力。他的調查將使他深深扯進這場決定國家未來的無情鬥爭中,同時也將逐步轉變為一名真正的刺客大師。

Assassin's Creed Unity《刺客教條:大革命》將於 2014 年 11 月於 Xbox One、PlayStation 4 與 PC 平台推出繁體中文版。

Paris, 1789. The French Revolution turns a once-magnificent city into a place of terror and chaos. Its cobblestoned streets run red with the blood of commoners who dare to rise up against an oppressive aristocracy. Yet as the nation tears itself apart, a young man named Arno will embark upon an extraordinary journey to expose the true powers behind the Revolution. His pursuit will throw him into the middle of a ruthless struggle for the fate of a nation, and transform him into a true Master Assassin.

Assassin's Creed Unity will be released on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC on Oct 28.


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