Half Marathon Vlog: last days of training, how I trained and the race itself!

Описание к видео Half Marathon Vlog: last days of training, how I trained and the race itself!

If you've stumbled upon my channel and you're not understanding a word, that's because I'm speaking in Maltese :) There are English captions though!
Read about the language: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maltese...

Instagram:   / mariah.zm  
TikTok:   / mariah.zm  

Naf li dat-tip ta' kontenut mhux għal kulħadd peress li mhux kulħadd huwa interessat fil-ġiri/fitness. Napprezza kieku tħallu kumment tgħiduli jekk tridux taraw aktar kontenut hekk però! Il-gym/ġiri huma parti kbira mir-rutina tiegħi, jiġifieri ser jidhru 'l hawn u 'l hemm fil-videos. Iżda jekk hawn ħafna interessati li jaraw iktar, forsi nitfa' xi video jew tnejn fejn nidħol daqsxejn iktar fid-dettall ta' kif nitrenja.
Napprezza ħafna wkoll jekk titfgħu "like" u tagħmlu subscribe! Narakom f'li jmiss :)

I am aware that this type of content is not everyone's cup of tea, since not everyone is interested in running/fitness. However, I would appreciate it if you let me know in the comments if this is somethign you would like to see more of. Fitness is a big part of my daily routine, so it will be featured every now and then in my videos. But if it is something that many are interested in seeing more of, maybe I can dedicate a video or two to show and explain how I train, and how I incorporate it into my 9-5 life.
I would really appreciate it if you like and subscribe! See you in the next one :)

00:00 - Wednesday LB Strength
03:20 - Friday Easy Run
06:02 - How I trained for the HM
12:25 - Race day!
15:59 - Race debrief

Shot on iPhone 13


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