Charles-Honoré Lannuier - Empire Furniture Cabinetmaker

Описание к видео Charles-Honoré Lannuier - Empire Furniture Cabinetmaker

Charles Honoré Lannuier was a French - born cabinet maker that came to New York City in 1803 and popularized Neoclassical and Empire furniture in America. Trained in Paris, he came to America when Thomas Jefferson, former ambassador to France, was president and after Napoléon sold America the Louisiana Purchase [consisting of 15 future states].

Honoré deliberately sought out French expatriate customers and sold them the top grade Neoclassical furniture popular under the reign of the last king of France; and sought out wealthy American merchants who wanted gilded Bronze French antiques incorporated into their Pier Tables - so the merchants could brag about their increased status in America.

And the furniture was worth the higher price – for Honoré Lannuier had a sense of taste, balance, and craftsmanship that created some of the best furniture made in the 19th Century.

Unfortunately, his life was cut short at the age of 40 years by tuberculous, and just as a national recession arose - ending the initial phase of the Empire Furniture Style.

0:00 Importance of Charles Honore Lannuier
1:44 Moves to Paris to Make Furniture
2:30 French Motivation for New Empire Style
3:25 Creating Empire Fashion in America
5:36 Creation of an Empire Table
5:10 Furnishing Mansions with French Fashion
8:56 Creation of Honore's Pier Table

The Hoosierwoodcraft video celebrates this woodworkers and his time.

In 1966, Mrs Kennedy selected one of Lannuier's Pier Tables (made in 1805), and placed it in the french-inspired Vermeil Room of the nation's White House.

What follows is related to the music selection:

Earth Prelude by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Court of the Queen - Music to Delight by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (


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