Ramen Tower UST - Ramentimidated

Описание к видео Ramen Tower UST - Ramentimidated

*Ramentimidated - A feeling of discomfort and extreme anxiousness when in the vicinity of people whose last name happen to be "Ramen".

Nah but seriously, this was a ton of fun to make - Spent a lot longer on this one then I thought I would. Which would explain the upload gap. Now, is it better then the OG Ramen Mix for PTNE? Eh, debatable, but it's definitely more unique.

Anyways, enjoy!
OG Fake Peppino Background and Arena made by Tour de Pizza.

Peppina's sprites are all made by the artists of the now named Ramen Tower.

Thumbnail Font made by Luggy and DogToon64.


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