Determinism - Free Will | വിധിയും പാരാസൈക്കോളജിയും | Parapsychologist Prof. Dr. V. George Mathew

Описание к видео Determinism - Free Will | വിധിയും പാരാസൈക്കോളജിയും | Parapsychologist Prof. Dr. V. George Mathew

Determinism - Free Will | വിധിയും പാരാസൈക്കോളജിയും | Talk With Parapsychologist Prof. Dr. V. George Mathew

The question whether events are predetermined or living beings have freedom of the will has been discussed by philosophers for a long time. Most religions take a deterministic position though some religions make an exception and say that human beings have the freedom to choose between good and evil. Parapsychology presents considerable evidence showing that precognition is possible which indicates that events are predetermined. Now physics / which is an observation based physical science / presents some evidence showing that events are predetermined. Some experiences even show retro causality / supporting the old philosophers’ conception of teleological causation / that is the future influencing or determining the present.

Many people are not able to understand determinism because they think determinism denies our ability to take a decision and act according to an intention / arriving at a result. Determinism only supposes that our mental events including our decision making process leading to a chain of events like wanting / putting effect etc. are part of the per-determined chain of events which leads to a consequent result. We can do what we will / but we cannot will what we will. Everything including our decision making process is predetermined because of causal links.

#Parapsychology #Determinism #GeorgeMathew


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