Adelaide: Another Level of Lebanese Food, Friends Gathering, Best Gelato Ever

Описание к видео Adelaide: Another Level of Lebanese Food, Friends Gathering, Best Gelato Ever

Hello Adelaide: Another Level of Lebanese Food, Friends Gathering, Best Gelato Ever, Success Stories
مرحبًا أديلايد: مستوى آخر من الطعام اللبناني ، تجمع الأصدقاء ، أفضل جيلاتو على الإطلاق ، قصص نجاح
Hello Adelaide, we came for 48 hours and we had breakfast at The Middle Store, a new Lebanese concept where they serve beautiful Middle eastern inspired brunch, they made the Lebanese breakfast more modern.
For Lunch, we visited Marcellina, the oldest pizza bar in town, owned by a Lebanese family who moved to Australia in 1969.
A quick tour of the Migration Museum to know that the first Lebanese immigrant came to Adelaide in 1854.
Next, I discovered my favorite Ice Cream ever, Bottega Gelateria, the best gelato in Australia after 3 trips, was very excited to tour the laboratory with Chef Paolo from Italy.
At Zayt & Zaatar, 4 Lebanese heroes coming from Lebanese villages with smiles always on their faces are serving amazing dishes for non-Lebanese customers.
More than 50 persons came to the meet & greet in Adelaide, a city that gathers around 20,000 people from Lebanon, we took pictures, eat delicious food, and listened to success stories.

Places I Visited (Instagram Pages):
the middle store:   / themiddlestore  
The Mayfair Hotel:   / themayfairhotel  
Jonny's Popcorn Delights:   / jonnys_popcorn  
Marcellina:   / marcellinapizza  
Migration Museum:   / migration_museum  
Bottega Gelateria:   / bottegagelateria  
Zayt & Zaatar:   / zaytandzaatarwestlakes  
Ballaboosta:   / ballaboostasa  
Australia Tour 2023:
AUSTRALIA Videos Playlist:
   • Australia - رحلاتي إلى أستراليا  
Sydney Tour 2022:
Melbourne Tour 2022:
"Welcome to those who believe in spreading happiness, to those who believe in the power of dreams, to those who believe in sharing joy, and would like to join me in my exploration of this beautiful life."
Interviews with Anthony Rahayel
   • Interviews with Anthony Rahayel  
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"#Spreadinghappiness and #Sharingjoy" is what I do.
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Proudly Lebanese... My mission is to show the Arabic cosmopolitan culture through my eyes, to the world! Traveling around the globe, I support small businesses and spot the next food trends.. See the world cultures from my perspective.
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